in addition to our weekly classes, we love hosting monthly social dances, line dancing pop-ups, specialty workshops, guest instructors, and more!

afrofusion dance class

afrofusion dance class

[This class is not affiliated with Rio Dance Studio and cannot be booked in advance. Please plan to just show up!]

Afrofusion Dance is West African based movement with live drumming.

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line dance night: THE SPHINX

line dance night: THE SPHINX

grab your boots and your pals and join us for a night of line dancing at Rio! this two hour class will include a warm-up and lots of time to learn and master the intermediate / advanced line dance, "the Sphinx"!

all levels of line dancers are welcome to join us! please bring clean boots or shoes [not worn outside].


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afrofusion dance class

afrofusion dance class

[This class is not affiliated with Rio Dance Studio and cannot be booked in advance. Please plan to just show up!]

Afrofusion Dance is West African based movement with live drumming.

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West Coast Swing: Social Dance

West Coast Swing: Social Dance

join us monthy for an evening of west coast swing!

tikwiza will lead dancers in a short lesson and then the social dancing will begin!

come ready to learn, practice and dance.


[cover charge is $10 per person, no advance sign-ups are required. please consider tipping your instructor!]

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West Coast Swing: Social Dance

West Coast Swing: Social Dance

join us monthy for an evening of west coast swing!

tikwiza will lead dancers in a short lesson and then the social dancing will begin!

come ready to learn, practice and dance.


[cover charge is $10 per person, no advance sign-ups are required. please consider tipping your instructor!]

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West Coast Swing: Social Dance

West Coast Swing: Social Dance

join us monthy for an evening of west coast swing!

tikwiza will lead dancers in a short lesson and then the social dancing will begin!

come ready to learn, practice and dance.


[cover charge is $10 per person, no advance sign-ups are required. please consider tipping your instructor!]

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West Coast Swing: Social Dance

West Coast Swing: Social Dance

join us monthy for an evening of west coast swing!

tikwiza will lead dancers in a short lesson and then the social dancing will begin!

come ready to learn, practice and dance.


[cover charge is $10 per person, no advance sign-ups are required. please consider tipping your instructor!]

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afrofusion dance class

afrofusion dance class

[This class is not affiliated with Rio Dance Studio and cannot be booked in advance. Please plan to just show up!]

Afrofusion Dance is West African based movement with live drumming.

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galentine's SEXY HEELS

galentine's SEXY HEELS

it's time to celebrate your FEMININE! 💋 step into galentine's day with confident sensual movement set to sexy music.

choreography will be designed to be playful, flirty and fun for ALL levels, ages and abilities.

grab your ladies, your fishnets, your sparkles, and your heels - and let's have a gal's night!!! [to be clear - all gender expressions are welcome 🌈, heels optional! but encouraged]


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afrofusion dance class

afrofusion dance class

[This class is not affiliated with Rio Dance Studio and cannot be booked in advance. Please plan to just show up! Payment (sliding scale $10 - $20) can be made in the form of cash or check made out to Leslie Yancey.]

Afrofusion Dance is West African based movement with live drumming. Afrofusion is earthy, grounded and can be energetic movement. It embraces all physical abilities and diverse body types plus builds strength, endurance, stamina, and flexibility while having fun. Come and enjoy the rhythms and energy of live drumming while you move.

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West Coast Swing: Social Dance

West Coast Swing: Social Dance

join us monthy for an evening of west coast swing!

tikwiza will lead dancers in a short lesson and then the social dancing will begin!

come ready to learn, practice and dance.


[cover charge is $10 per person, no advance sign-ups are required. please consider tipping your instructor!]

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burlesque TWERKshop

burlesque TWERKshop

ignite your femininity in this 2 hour burlesque TWERKshop! we will use dance foundations to embrace our innate sexiness, develop our stage presence, and embrace the TEASE. we will shake, shimmy, work and TWERK - using the burlesque style to explore act building and the joy of dance!

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winter solstice: dance & flow

winter solstice: dance & flow

let’s welcome in the light after the longest night of the year!

using the mindful rhythm of yoga paired with the free-form expression of ecstatic dance, we will usher in the winter season. over our 90 minutes together, plan to enjoy a gentle yoga inspired warm-up, easy sun salutations and spontaneous dance, all ending with deep rest.

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West Coast Swing: Social Dance

West Coast Swing: Social Dance

join us monthy for an evening of west coast swing!

tikwiza will lead dancers in a short lesson and then the social dancing will begin!

come ready to learn, practice and dance.

[this event is free to attend and no advance sign-ups are required. please consider tipping your instructor!]

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afrofusion dance class

afrofusion dance class

[This class is not affiliated with Rio Dance Studio and cannot be booked in advance. Please plan to just show up! Payment (sliding scale $10 - $20) can be made in the form of cash or check made out to Leslie Yancey.]

Afrofusion Dance is West African based movement with live drumming. Afrofusion is earthy, grounded and can be energetic movement. It embraces all physical abilities and diverse body types plus builds strength, endurance, stamina, and flexibility while having fun. Come and enjoy the rhythms and energy of live drumming while you move.

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learn to BREAKDANCE!

learn to BREAKDANCE!

welcome to breakdancing! we are so excited to host this 2 hour workshop meant to give you a solid intro into the art of breaking. this is a classic hip hop style notorious for moves that often involve touching various parts of the body to the ground. think: great hip hop music, classic dance moves and lots of rolling / twirling on the ground.

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gratitude ecstatic dance

gratitude ecstatic dance

join us in spontaneous, free-form, mind-body-spirit movement inspired by GRATITUDE.

ecstatic dance [by many names] has been around since ancient times and is designed to release inhibitions and allow intuition to lead. this inner/outer journey helps you playfully break the rules and embrace your inner silliness in a space that is ultimately what you make of it.


"showing up" is all that is required! wear something that makes you feel free to move and play. usually dancers prefer to be barefoot, though socks or clean sneakers are also options.

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West Coast Swing: Social Dance

West Coast Swing: Social Dance

join us monthly for an evening of west coast swing!

6:45pm - tikwiza will lead dancers in a short lesson

7:30 / 7:45pm - social dancing begins!

come ready to learn, practice and dance.

[this event is free to attend and no advance sign-ups are required. please consider tipping your instructor!]

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afrofusion dance class

afrofusion dance class

[This class is not affiliated with Rio Dance Studio and cannot be booked in advance. Please plan to just show up! Payment (sliding scale $10 - $20) can be made in the form of cash or check made out to Leslie Yancey.]

Afrofusion Dance is West African based movement with live drumming. Afrofusion is earthy, grounded and can be energetic movement. It embraces all physical abilities and diverse body types plus builds strength, endurance, stamina, and flexibility while having fun. Come and enjoy the rhythms and energy of live drumming while you move.

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taylor swift heels class [encore!]

taylor swift heels class [encore!]

learn the 'vigilante shit' chair dance from the eras tour!

we can't wait to be our most pop princess, diva, icon, DANCER ERA, sexy selves with you! you can expect a warm-up, stretch, and lots of time to learn and practice the choreography!

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MODERN pop-up class

MODERN pop-up class

we are so excited to offer a two hour MODERN workshop with hilary madler! this style is guided by expression over technique and exploration over rigid choreography.

you can expect a long warm-up, prompts and exercises for embodiment and curiosity, and a fun combo to end the workshop.

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West Coast Swing: Social Dance

West Coast Swing: Social Dance

join us monthy for an evening of west coast swing!

tikwiza will lead dancers in a short lesson and then the social dancing will begin!

come ready to learn, practice and dance.

[this event is free to attend and no advance sign-ups are required. please consider tipping your instructor!]

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trance dance [also know as ecstatic dance] is spontaneous, free-form, mind-body-spirit movement that has been around since ancient times and is designed to release inhibitions and allow intuition to lead.

this inner/outer journey helps you playfully break the rules and embrace your inner silliness in a space that is ultimately what you make of it.

"showing up" is all that is required!

wear something that makes you feel free to move and play. usually dancers prefer to be barefoot, though socks or clean sneakers are also options. book here!

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afrofusion dance class

afrofusion dance class

[This class is not affiliated with Rio Dance Studio and cannot be booked in advance. Please plan to just show up! Payment (sliding scale $10 - $20) can be made in the form of cash or check made out to Leslie Yancey.]

Afrofusion Dance is West African based movement with live drumming. Afrofusion is earthy, grounded and can be energetic movement. It embraces all physical abilities and diverse body types plus builds strength, endurance, stamina, and flexibility while having fun. Come and enjoy the rhythms and energy of live drumming while you move.

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BILLIE EILISH: bad guy, sexy heels

BILLIE EILISH: bad guy, sexy heels

step into your feminine energy with confident sensual movement set to BAD GUY by Billie Eillish.

there will be a quick warm-up and stretch followed by choreography!

plan to bring knee pads if you have them as this choreography will include floor work. dress in a way that allows you to move confidently - but also feel free to have FUN with it!

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CHICAGO: broadway jazz

CHICAGO: broadway jazz

we will be learning a high-energy theatre jazz number to the Chicago classic, 'cell block tango'.

you can expect big broadway lines, sultry chicago-style moves, and super fun choreography. this class is great for all levels of dancers. though this is not a heels class, feel free to bring character shoes or other broadway dance wear.

cell block tango is a powerful dance - feel free to dress the part: fishnets, leotards, harnesses, leather, we can't wait to dance with you!

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BEYONCÉ, ACT II: heels & heat

BEYONCÉ, ACT II: heels & heat


step into your feminine energy with confident sensual movement set to our queen bee - BEYONCÉ (heels optional but encouraged!). great for all levels of dancers who are excited about WORKING it to some iconic music! this is ACT II in our drop-in series featuring Beyoncé’s iconic discography.

[ACT III, majorette moment dates will be announced SOON!]

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abbie shelter fundraiser event

abbie shelter fundraiser event

Join us for an evening of movement and community in support of the Abbie Shelter and Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This offering is donation based and ALL PROCEEDS will benefit the Abbie Shelter.

Hosted by: Camille Dietz of Rising Sun Wellness, Michelle Richards of Freedom Dance Collective, and Madeline Axtell of Rio Dance Studio.

You can expect an embodied warm-up with Madeline focusing on experiencing music with your body! Then Camille will take dancers on a journey of exploration and mindfulness. Michelle will close the evening with free dancing into purposeful stillness. We will be dancing to celebrate, honor, and connect to ourselves.

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